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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare

Senior Infants/1st Class - Ms Clancy

We are 26 busy girls and boys! We all work hard together to make our room a fun and special place. 

🌈Ms Callinan, Senior Infants and First Class 


Please follow the links below to some helpful website.

Jolly Phonics sounds:



19th Jun 2024
We had a fun-filled day on our school tour today. We had a fantastic time visiting...
14th Jun 2024
We were so delighted to hear we were the class that collected the most copper coins...
13th Jun 2024
7th Mar 2024
Bhi spraoi and craic againn inniu le hadhaigh Seachtain na Gaeilge . Bhí Tráth...

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