All our classrooms are all very bright, airy and spacious.
Our classrooms are fully equipped for ICT, with an interactive whiteboard and a computer workstation in each room.

These classrooms are spacious and have a separate quiet-room attached to the classroom.
Both Suaimhneas classrooms are structured using the T.E.A.C.C.H principles. There are designated group areas for socialisation/ snacktime and groupwork activities.
Each room has a double sink area which is wheelchair accessible.
There are also shower and bathroom facilities with a utility room beside each classroom.

We have two SET (Special Education Teacher) rooms.
Our Multisensory room has been specially equipped with a wide variety of sensory stimulating resources. These include:
- Bubble tube
- Fibre Optics
- Concave Mirrors
- Disco Ball
- Touch Sensitive Mats
- Projector
- Art Board
- Music system
- Various Light Settings
Our Occupational Therapy Room has been specially designed for our needs and has a wide range of O.T. equipment including a swing.

There are two specialised playgrounds beside our basketball court.
The larger playground is equipped with a climbing frame which includes a rope-ladder, highbar, lowbar and swinging bars. There is also a wide circular swing and a large swinger and balance board.
The smaller playground is equipped with a slide/spinner and bouncing see-saw and is used by the smaller children.
The playgrounds are entirely enclosed by secure fencing and both have a soft, child friendly surface.
Our school garden boasts a wide range of facilities for our keen gardeners:
- large polytunnel
- raised beds
- pottage garden
- potato/vegetable patch
- woodland area
- composter
- pond with solar powered fountain

Our large General Purpose Hall is used for lots of activities such as PE, assemblies, hosting visitors to our school and whole school gatherings.
We have a removable stage which we use to facilitate our school concert amongst other events.
Each month members of our community are invited to our Community Mass for First Friday which is celebrated by our Parish Priest. All are welcome.
The hall is also used during the preparation meetings for the sacraments, school band and choir practice and numerous other school and community events.

All our books are on our library database. This system allows us to scan our books, upload book reviews, and keep track of our loan times. It is a fun way to make going to the library more interesting.
As well as a smaller library in each class we have our extended library, an Accelerated Reader and Literacy Lift Off Libraries.
Our book collection continues to grow. Our Parents fundraising and our bookfairs have helped us to replenish our libraries. We have also purchased books from Clare County Library. We are also very grateful to people who have donated books to our library.
Our school has access to the local G.A.A. pitch and astro-turf for all sporting activities and is also used for end of year Fun Day. Extra curricular activities take place here also.
We are very fortunate to have a modern crèche facility, the Inagh Ark Crèche, very close to our school. They provide an afterschool service at 2pm and 3pm. This includes supervised collection of pupils from the school and is available five days a week. Their facilities include: an outdoor play area, arts and crafts, homework club, set-dancing classes and much more.
St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare | Phone and Fax: 065 6836778