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St.Flannan's National School, Inagh, Ennis, County Clare

News Nuacht - Senior Infants/1st Class - Ms Clancy

19th Jun 2024
We had a fun-filled day on our school tour today. We had a fantastic time visiting...
14th Jun 2024
We were so delighted to hear we were the class that collected the most copper coins...
13th Jun 2024
7th Mar 2024
Bhi spraoi and craic againn inniu le hadhaigh Seachtain na Gaeilge . Bhí Tráth...
14th Feb 2024
Today we created lovely cards to give to the special people in our lives. Happy...
13th Feb 2024
Today we made some delicious pancakes in senior infants and first class. We had great...
6th Feb 2024
To celebrate St. Brigid’s Day and the arrival of spring we made St. Brigid’s...
21st Dec 2023
We had a great time singing for our Community.
20th Nov 2023
Today we had our second class with Ann McMahon. We worked on our fundamental movement,...
20th Nov 2023
During Science week 2023, we developed our critical thinking skills. Rapunzel was...